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Most assessments are not grounded in scientific research. Our assessments are built upon empirically validated frameworks.
User Experience
A typical assessment takes around 15-20 minutes to complete. Deeper Signals’ assessments take 5-7 minutes.
Compared to other premium assessments, Deeper Signals costs 60% less and offers more tools and insights to drive results.
Use Cases
Most assessments are designed for specific use cases. Deeper Signals provides a holistic solution to address the full employee lifecycle.
Although the MBTI is popular, it is not built upon a reliable or valid scientific framework. Deeper Signals leverages a predictive framework like the Five Factor Model.
User Experience
The MBTI takes 45 minutes to complete. In comparison, it only takes 5-7 minutes to complete the Core Drivers or Core Values Diagnostic.
It costs $49.95 to complete the official version of the MBTI. This includes just the single assessment and the feedback report. Deeper Signals offers multiple assessments.
Use Cases
The lack of scientific evidence supporting the validity of the MBTI significantly limits its use in coaching or enterprise contexts.
Predictive Index does not leverage robust frameworks, such as the Five-Factor Model of personality, which have been proven to predict a variety of life and work outcomes.
User Experience
Compared to Predictive Index, Deeper Signals provides a conversational and engaging assessment experience that is designed for a modern audience.
Predictive Index and Deeper Signals both offer subscriptions with volume discounts. Deeper Signals offers enterprises and coaches a high level of flexibility to customize their subscriptions.
Use Cases
Both Predictive Index and Deeper Signals can be used for selection, team coaching, and leadership development purposes.
PrinciplesYou use archetypes — an approach to personality that has been debunked by the scientific community.
User Experience
The PrincipesYou assessment takes around 30 minutes to complete. Deeper Signals assessments take 5-7 minutes each.
While PrinciplesYou is free to complete, it does not deliver the same level of feedback or utility as Deeper Signals.
Use Cases
PrincipesYou has been designed for self-discovery. Deeper Signals’ assessments have been designed to help individuals and organizations make critical career decisions.
Insights Discovery relies on Jung's theory, which lacks robust validation compared to the Five-Factor model of Personality.
User Experience
The Insights Discovery assessment takes around 20 minutes whereas Deeper Signals assessment takes 5-7 minutes only.
The Insights Discovery assessment is more expensive than Deeper Signals, and lacks a feature-packed platform that supports the full talent lifecycle.
Use Cases
The usage of Insights Discovery assessment is primarily used for culture and relationship-related purposes.Deeper Signals offers versatility, extending its applicability to selection, team coaching, and leadership development.
DISC is founded on a theory that lacks scientific validation, unlike the robust Five-Factor Model, renowned for its comprehensive insights into personality traits and behaviors.
User Experience
DISC typically takes 20 minutes to complete, whereas Deeper Signals offers a more engaging assessment experience and provides instant reports in just 5-7 minutes.
Both DISC and Deeper Signals offer volume discounts. Deeper Signals also provides customizable subscriptions to meet an organization's specific goals.
Use Cases
While both DISC and Deeper Signals find applications in selection, team coaching, and leadership development, it's notable that DISC's validity lacks strong concensus from the scientific community.
Clifton StrengthsFinder does not utilize robust frameworks such as the Five-Factor Model of personality, known for its effectiveness in predicting diverse life and work outcomes.
User Experience
Clifton StrengthsFinder typically takes 30 minutes to complete, whereas Deeper Signals offers a faster experience and provides instant reports in just 5-7 minutes.
Both CSF and Deeper Signals are in a similar price range. However, Deeper Signals also offers interactive analytic dashboards, and self-paced learning journeys.
Use Cases
Both CSF and Deeper Signals can be used for employee development across all levels of application. However, unlike CSF, Deeper Signals holds an additional advantage as it can be leveraged for recruitment purposes as well.
Deeper Signals vs.
All others
Hogan Assessment Systems
Predictive Index
Insights Discovery
Clifton StrengthsFinder
Assessments are built upon personality frameworks that are trusted by the scientific community.
Deeper Signals
All others
Most assessments are built upon unscientific  frameworks that produce unreliable results.
The MBTI measures personality types, a concept that is proven to be unreliable and does not predict performance.
Predictive Index
The Predictive Index does not use extensively validated scientific frameworks such as the Five Factor Model of personality.
PrinciplesYou does not use extensively validated scientific frameworks such as the Five Factor Model of personality.
Insights Discovery
The Insights Discovery is built on Jung's theory which lacks extensive validation as compared to the Five-Factor model of Personality.
Built upon Marston's DISC Theory which lacks extensive validation as compared to the Five-Factor model of Personality.
Clifton StrengthsFinder
Built upon Clifton's Strengths Theory which lacks extensive validation as compared to the Five-Factor model of Personality.
Delivers a lightening fast and modern assessment experience in less than 7 minutes.
Deeper Signals
All others
It takes 20 minutes to complete traditional assessments.
It takes 45 minutes to complete the MBTI.
Predictive Index
It takes 7 minutes to complete the Predictive Index.
It takes 30 minutes to complete the PrinciplesYou assessment.
Insights Discovery
Completion of the assessment takes approximately 20 minutes.
It takes 20 minutes to complete the DISC assessment.
Clifton StrengthsFinder
It takes 30 minutes to complete the CSF assessment.
Provides interactive and continuous feedback to develop talent.
Deeper Signals
All others
Most providers provide static PDF reports that are complex, ineffective and quickly ignored.
Feedback reports are simple and do not support ongoing behavior change.
Predictive Index
Feedback reports are simple and remain disconnected from development goals.
Interactive online report but does not provide continuous feedback to support change.
Insights Discovery
Feedback reports are simple and do not support ongoing behavior change.
Feedback reports are simple and do not support ongoing behavior change.
Clifton StrengthsFinder
Feedback reports can be complex and usually only highlight strengths, requiring a coach for clarity. Deeper Signals also identifies risks, offering a more holistic picture..
Offers a real-time analytics platform that improves people decisions and how you understand your workforce.
Deeper Signals
All others
Traditional assessment results live in CSVs and PDFs, slowing down decisions and real-time insights.
Does not offer an interactive talent analytics dashboard to aggregate, compare and segment users.
Predictive Index
Provides simple dashboards to compare individuals and visualize results.
Does not offer a talent analytics dashboard to aggregate, compare and segment users.
Insights Discovery
Does not offer an interactive talent analytics dashboard to aggregate, compare and segment users.
DISC has comparative reports that accommodate only two individuals at a time. Deeper Signals offers dashboards to compare, filter and benchmark an entire workforce.
Clifton StrengthsFinder
CSF lacks an interactive talent analytics dashboard for comparing users or delivering measurable outcomes.
Affordable pricing allows you to provide scientific and practical assessments to every employee.
Deeper Signals
All others
Most premium assessments are too expensive to scale, leaving most without helpful insights or coaching advice that would deliver results.
Only includes one assessment and does not provide access to interactive dashboards and development tools.
Predictive Index
Predictive Index offers affordable subscriptions. However, Deeper Signals’ tools are designed for every level of the business.
PrinciplesYou is free but lacks a scientific framework, continuous feedback tools, and a robust analytics platform.
Insights Discovery
Insights Discovery is more expensive that Deeper Signals, and lacks interactive dashboards and development tools.
DISC is affordable but lacks helpful tools such interactive dashboards and continuous coaching journeys.
Clifton StrengthsFinder
CSF is similarly priced but lacks helpful tools such interactive dashboards and self-paced learning journeys.
Assessments are built upon personality frameworks that are trusted by the scientific community.
Delivers a lightning fast and modern assessment experience in less than 7 minutes.
Provides interactive and continuous feedback to develop talent.
Offers a real-time analytics platform that improves people decisions and how you understand your workforce.
Affordable pricing allows you to provide scientific and practical assessments to every employee.
Deeper Signals
All others
Most assessments are built upon unscientific  frameworks that produce unreliable results.
It takes 20 minutes to complete traditional assessments.
Most venders provide static PDF reports that are complex, ineffective and quickly ignored.
Traditional assessment results live in CSVs and PDFs, slowing down decisions and real-time insights.
Most premium assessments are too expensive to scale, leaving many without helpful insights or coaching advice that would deliver results.
The MBTI measures personality types, a concept that is proven to be unreliable and does not predict performance.
It takes 45 minutes to complete the MBTI.
Feedback reports are simple and do not support ongoing behavior change.
Does not offer an interactive talent analytics dashboard to aggregate, compare and segment users.
Only includes one assessment and does not provide access to interactive dashboards and development tools.
Predictive Index
The Predictive Index does not use extensively validated scientific frameworks such as the Five Factor Model of personality.
It takes 7 minutes to complete the Predictive Index.
Feedback reports are simple and remain disconnected from development goals.
Provides simple dashboards to compare individuals and visualize results.
Predictive Index offers affordable subscriptions. However, Deeper Signals’ tools are designed for every level of the business.
PrinciplesYou does not use extensively validated scientific frameworks such as the Five Factor Model of personality.
It takes 30 minutes to complete the PrinciplesYou assessment.
Interactive online report but does not provide continuous feedback to support change.
Does not offer a talent analytics dashboard to aggregate, compare and segment users.
PrinciplesYou is free but lacks a scientific framework, continuous feedback tools, and a robust analytics platform.
Insights Discovery
The Insights Discovery is built on Jung's theory which lacks extensive validation as compared to the Five-Factor model of Personality.
Completion of the assessment takes approximately 20 minutes.
Feedback reports are simple and do not support ongoing behavior change.
Does not offer an interactive talent analytics dashboard to aggregate, compare and segment users.
Insights Discovery is more expensive that Deeper Signals, and lacks interactive dashboards and development tools.
Built upon Marston's DISC Theory which lacks extensive validation as compared to the Five-Factor model of Personality.
It takes 20 minutes to complete the DISC assessment.
Feedback reports are simple and do not support ongoing behavior change.
DISC has comparative reports that accommodate only two individuals at a time. Deeper Signals offers dashboards to compare, filter and benchmark an entire workforce.
DISC is affordable but lacks helpful tools such interactive dashboards and continuous coaching journeys.
Clifton StrengthsFinder
Built upon Clifton's Strengths Theory which lacks extensive validation as compared to the Five-Factor model of Personality.
It takes 30 minutes to complete the CSF assessment.
Feedback reports can be complex and usually only highlight strengths, requiring a coach for clarity. Deeper Signals also identifies risks, offering a more holistic picture.
CSF lacks an interactive talent analytics dashboard for comparing users or delivering measurable outcomes.
CSF is similarly priced but lacks helpful tools such interactive dashboards and self-paced learning journeys.
Curious to learn more?

Schedule a call with Deeper Signals to understand how our assessments and feedback tools help people gain a deep awareness of their talents and reach their full potential. Underpinned by science and technology, we build talented people, leaders and companies.

  • Scalable and engaging assessment solutions
  • Measurable and predictive talent insights
  • Powered by technology and science that drives results
Let's talk!
  • Scalable interventions for growth
  • Measureable data, insights and outcomes for high performance
  • Proven scientific expertise that links results to outcomes
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